Meet the trick

Hi friend, my name is Lauren Currie. I'm the Founder of UPFRONT and mum to 5 year old Atlas. I want to introduce you to the trick - a way to talk to your children about the patriarchy. To help them understand we're all being tricked into thinking particular things about boys and girls, women and men.

Support the project

I want to write a children's book, create resources and make the trick mainstream. Pop your email address in the box to support , get updates and help me make this happen.
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Tell us your trick stories...

We want to hear your trick stories! How did your conversation with your child go? What does your partner think of the trick? Why do grandparents need to know about the trick? What are you learning from these conversations? Pop your story in the box below (they are all anonymous).
This morning was the first time this little bean and I talked about #thetrick after she told me ‘daddies don’t cry’ and by daddies she means all men
Thank you for helping me know how to navigate this and create an age appropriate discussion about the sneaky ways of the patriarchy.
I love this so much... I’ve actually found that (at 2) I’m introducing this language for his grandparents before him atm.
The trick is amazing!
We talked about how the trick makes us think that men/boys are bigger/stronger than women/girls or other people.
“Boys can use cardigans too! It’s the trick mommy!”

I said, “Yes it is. The trick tells us boys can’t wear cardigans.”

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